Friday, 30 November 2012

USING OTHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We use others for our own in we do not give any respect or credit to the ones, who are used !!!

This is done, when we lack in confidence !

People with high self esteem , seek co-operation of others.........this way , others feel respected and excited !!!

Thursday, 29 November 2012


We think, loving others is the easiest thing. What is so difficult about it, people may wonder !

Loving others is the most difficult thing. Shouting and showing anger are much much easier than giving love !!!

To reach our love to others, we need to love ourselves first !!!

Those who are not comfortable within themselves won't be able to reach out to others through their is completely effortless...........those who are not comfortable with themselves will have to make big efforts..... that is not real love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

CONVINCING SELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Convincing self is more difficult than convincing others.

To convince others, first, we need to be convinced about ourselves.

Requires a lot of practise for the above...........nothing is impossible, when we take positive steps !

Negative convictions are easy, that is what the laziest do always !

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

SELF CHECK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A frequent review about, our own life will help us to be more aware, as to what is happening within us !

We, in this fast world forget to be aware of self...........this leads to chaotic mind.........leads to frustrations and irritations !!!

Monday, 26 November 2012


Walking is good for health. Walking has many benefits as far as physical health is concerned.

The complete benefits.........all the benefits may be still unknown !

At the least , it doesn't allow the body to stagnate !!!

We should not let our mind stagnate too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should take our mind too, for a walk !


People think, it is impossible to get noticed !!!

In fact, it is impossible, not to get noticed,  provided, you have the real talent.

There comes a time for sure to get noticed, and the time is when you are the REAL TALENT !

Saturday, 24 November 2012

ASSUMING TO BE , '' BEING PRAISED '' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are people , who think themselves to be the best in what they are doing......and assume that they are being praised by others.

eg. There are some speakers, who think that their speeches are being accepted by the audience in full.

They mistake an occasional glance, .''.eye contact, '' for being appreciated.....when in reality it is not true, it is a courteous gesture by the audience.

When this happens , the speaker overdo things and irritate the audience..........this way, the very purpose of the speech is defeated....................................

Same thing happens with many in other aspects of life..............assuming to know all, is the stupidest thing !

Friday, 23 November 2012

BARKING AT EVERY THING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

When we are in the stupidest mode, we bark at every thing and every one...............that is the only thing we know in such situations.

This situation is the result of unwillingness to learn and update. 

If we don't raise our level of mind with the ever changing world, we would be left with the only option..........barking !!!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

IGNORANCE IS A BLISS FOR MANY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many people do not want to educate themselves !

They are scared to be educated !

More knowledge means, more work and more responsibilities!

The lazy ones definitely would like to remain where they are , 

because they do not want to work more..............for such 

people , not knowing more is a blessing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When people do not like to move from the positions they are, they become obstinate.

This situations will be explained as pure conviction, as a shield.

Flexibility needs different actions..........means change..........and change is what lazy people don't like !!!!!!! 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


When we are low in confidence, we do not leave any thing to others...........we feel others will take credit for things, which actually should have come to us.

This way, we over-do things and get tired and, in the process , inefficiency creeps in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taking others along is an art , but , this can be done only when we are confident about ourselves !

FEAR OF DOMINANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are one time or the other, develop a peculiar sort of fear...........that is, the fear of being dominated by others.

This happens when we are low in self esteem !!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 19 November 2012

FORMULA FOR FAILURE IN LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ignorance + Laziness = failure.

Those who think, that they know every thing, when they do not, actually are  in the failure zone.

So too, those who are lazy, live on excuses and escapism .

This definitely lead to failure !!!!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

UNHEALTHY LIVING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We may be very health conscious . We may try our best to keep ourselves healthy.

We may follow healthy diets. 

We may refuse unhealthy food........alright.

But, nothing is being done  by us about our mind !

If we don't follow the same principles for our mind, the stress factor comes into play...............stress and negativity is the root cause of almost all illness ! 

Taking care of physical aspect alone will not help us to serve our  purpose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think  !!!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

CREDIT, THE ONLY MOTTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many, who do many things ,even when it is not necessary. They do things, even when they are not healthy or tired.

The only intention of these people are getting some credit/praise from others.

They may get praise from many, but, when they don't get it from the people , who matter , they become upset.

We should not do any thing with such intentions....things should be done, according to requirements and necessity !!!

Friday, 16 November 2012


We, often play smart...........stupid people play it smart !

While doing so, we forget or ignore the plenty of options 

available to us.......even while communicating.........we do not

use the words available as options........and we go wrong !

Maturity allow us to be aware of these before going into

actions !!!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Majority of the population is scared of good things , happening in life.

Happening of good things , takes away the opportunity for complaints !

Lazy and low in confidence want things to complain about, because , they get easy pleasure from such things !!!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

CONFUSIONS ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With fast changing world, people become more and more confused about , what they are living for !

Fast changing world means, fast changing economics too.

Values depend on economics, to very good extent.

When world changes fast, economics too changes fast and this in turn changes the values too.

Changing values means, changing mind sets and thus confusions !!!

COPYING WON'T WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many, who think that they can become masters of trade by copying things and making some modifications.

Insincere any thing , will complicate matters. if copying works, no body will invent any thing at all.......especially, the literary thing !!!

Without originality, nothing works...................

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Ignorance is the root cause of all types of fear.

When we know , what is what about any thing we venture,

we would be motivated to do things, rather than getting 

scared and avoid doing things !

eg. We are suspicious of cultures , we are not familiar with !

THE ONE THING , THAT DOES NOT DECREASE IN VALUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Money value of every thing is affected by many factors and the values may go down , any time.

Knowledge is the one and the only thing , that is an exception to this................knowledge increase in value, never decrease !

Therefore acquire knowledge as much as possible !!! 

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Our quality of life depends on the resources available to us and it's proper utilisation .

Every human being is a resource to the world..........there fore we have responsibility to use the resources in appropriate way.

Our lives should be useful to the society, the entire world.

It is our responsibility to make sure that, our lives are directed in such a way that , our contributions are helping the generations to come, in a big way !

Let us not waste our life  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

ABUSE AND LEVEL OF MIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level of mind and abuse (self ) as well are in direct proportion to each other.

The abuse is at the worst , when the level of mind is at the lowest.

At the highest level of mind, the abuse is absent  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any one abusing other is because of the low level of mind !

Instead of feeling agitated, one should try to help the abuser to  
get educated .

Friday, 9 November 2012

THE NEED FOR ESCORTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We, the human beings, are social animals !

We feel nice, when we have the best of companionship.

For this to happen, matching of things have to happen, or else, things would not be as good as it should be.

Even when we think , we are alone, we are not .......our own shadow follow as escort !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Positive and confident shadow helps us ...........for this to happen, one has to have a very , very high self esteem  !!!!!!!!!!


It is nice feeling always, when sincere feed backs are forwarded. 

All that can be done,  here is, to thank you all for sincere appreciation.

It was nice to hear that , some one got a lunch, when she forwarded some useful blog of mine to her friend , who is doing a research  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for being so honest.........wish you the best in life, always, such sincere people deserve it !!!!!!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

URGE TO DO EVERY THING , SELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are people, who do not let others do things..........even when , the other person can do things better !!!!!!!!!!

This is because, people are worried about , better performance by the other.

People feel that the other person many overshadow them........this insecurity end up in, opportunities being wasted.

This sort of things happen with people , who are low in their confidence !!!!!!!!!!!!

Confident people would analyse things as to who can do better and will allow the best suited person to do the job.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Doing things , self, is a good quality.

But, there are people , who, do more than what they can do, just to get praised by others.

Such people do things, that they don't know well , too.

They mess up many things in the process.

This happens due to their unwillingness to take help.

They do things, assuming that they are being praised by others !!!

People with low confidence , live on others' praise !

When things go wrong, they blame on those , who could have been helpful or any one in the world !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Adjustment needs , forgetting and removing of ego.

Except, may be 0.5%, others cannot leave their ego !

That exactly  is the reason for , very few successful and happy 

people in this world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 5 November 2012

COMPROMISE V/S ADJUSTMENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In relationships, people make compromises.

Many say, compromise is necessary to keep the relationship going !

But, how long , compromise is possible? Since compromise amounts to a sort of suppression, it becomes difficult to continue in that mode.

Instead , adjustment is what is needed...........adjusting to the level of other person's level of mind.

It is all about the level of mind !

Sunday, 4 November 2012


Life is all about adjustments.......positive adjustments........adjustments with the proper, understanding of oneself and the other.

Why is it become necessary to adjust ?

Because, two minds are always at, two different levels.....never, never at the same level.

So, the higher level one , is the one to adjust with the other, because, the one at lower level will have more ego problems.


Saturday, 3 November 2012


People with low confidence, always have opinions about every one and every thing. 

Such people don't feel the need, to even think rationally before saying their opinions.

They assume themselves to be the masters of every thing !!!

Their opinions are the strongest and the loudest.

They are not flexible.......for them flexibility is weakness !!!!!!!!

Friday, 2 November 2012

UNABLE TO LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love is the best of all emotions. It has no boundaries and barriers.
No one loses any thing, by loving some one else.

In fact love is beneficial to both, the one who loves, and the one  who is being loved.

Every body thinks , it is the easiest thing to do.

But,  it is the most difficult thing to do, for majority in this world............................................

PEOPLE, WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LOVE OTHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 1 November 2012


Mind at low level, is always preoccupied with others..........think negatively about others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this level of mind, one tries to find unreasonable reasons.

Mind will come out with innumerable funny excuses,
 for all the negatives about self .

This gives a lot of pleasure to people at low level of mind.

This is the worst stumbling block in self improvement.

Need of the hour is to educate oneself........continuously.