We become directionless, due to temptations !!! Temptations are all the way there in our lives !! Becoming slave to temptation spoils/divert directions !!!!
We grow in good conditions, the most wonderful way ......... like the plants grow in good climate !!! Creation of good weather is all that we need to do for the growth of plants, so too creation of good ambiance is all that we need to do for our wonderful growth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only we lead, constructive and satisfying life , we can be happy ............ life is all about being cheerful and dynamic !!! No crying ...................
There is a success machine inside every human being...... start only with positive fuel........ need to use it for a vision ........... only then the machine fly off !!!!!!
Enhancing mind power is a huge possibility , if only we are positive completely ....... simple suspicion will not help and so too , this won't work for negative intentions !!!!
Quality of our lives depend on the quality of our interests in our lives and in the universe, we live in !!! If we want to improve our lives, we need to be more and more interested in our activities , beneficial for the universe as a whole !!!
We can know the real personality inside of any , only when testing time comes.............. until and unless, it happens, we are misled by camouflaged personality !!!!!
Every human being is indebted to the old generations... they gave us what we have today, with their sacrifice and hard work... work with love ! Now , it is the present generations' responsibility to make it ever better !!!!!
Going to bed with the excitement of a new next day has to be a welcome step in our lives !!! Usually people dread a new day, because they have to work and don't want to see the dawn of next day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time to change our focus from goals to vision !!! World is changing fast and there must be corresponding changes in the way we see things for us ........... for a better world !!!
Don't think there are any one person , who do not want to feel equal .............. equality is the ultimate feeling, one would like to have ! It is within all of us to make it possible and live happily ever !!! Brainstorm the route to that ..............................................
It is quite unbelievable that ,many grow up physically fast and they do not make any progress mentally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People in middle age , behaves/ perceive things as if they are below 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A good percentage of people live in the past and they don't want to get out that ............ this is so because , they find extreme pleasure by doing so !!! This state allows them not to move on and they think , moving on in life is complicated and they can't catch up !!!!!!
There are many , who like to live in the past............ for them it is convenient to remain idle and playing victim !!! This gives them the opportunity find excuses and let them live in lazy state !!!!
Living in the present philosophy is fine , as far as the worry factor is concerned ............. may not be so , as far as the vision factor is concerned ! Those, who can deflect worries or immune to it , by practice , have choices !!!
Respect for human beings works only in circle !!! Once, if broken, it works backward................ hence it is the duty of every one to make sure that the chain in not broken, if the peace and tranquility is to be maintained !!!!!!
Any child needs a real hero to look up to , till the child becomes a hero himself/herself !!! Usually( I say usually ... without bias ) any child look up to his/her father .... father is the hero................. this concept may be changing over the years and in some culture . When a wife doesn't respect her husband, it creates insecurity in their child............. child feels his/her hero is weak................... a weak hero is not a healthy situation ... this situation definitely spoil a child's confidence ! Respecting others should not be conditional .
If we focus positively on the right questions, we will have the help coming from within.......... asking right questions with complete positive attitude is must ....... work wonders !!!!!
Living by values help us to be safe !!! Valueless living lead us in to trouble ............ creating value system , the right way is essential for happy living !!!
Big success before maturity is a big problem !!! Immature can't handle great successes and the pressure will sabotage life !!!! Maturity takes life to heights and can stay on top !!!!!!!
For every answer to our question is within and not outside ! External is good and is available , but need to introspect too ! Throwing every thing on external causes won't help improvement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People usually under rate themselves........their capabilities , this leads to under rated self esteem ! Need to bring the awareness to escape from this shell !!!
Very often, we are in a fix as to why things are not fine with others ........... though we do the right things with right intentions !!! We need to have check on the impact of our deeds on others ..... impact is what matters and not what we do !!!
Most of our emotions are created by ourselves !! Especially negatives, like inferiority complex.......... a bit awareness will help to avoid or remove this !!!!
Inferiority complex is the worst thing, one can carry with...............it is the worst enemy of self !!! Inferiority complex is the stumbling block for our progress !!!
No one can be leading a happy life , without carrying the confidence with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No worth ............ without confidence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happiness is a formation in the mind !!! This is possible through continuous process and there are no steps to achieve this ! Owning a mindset , which takes us to the process is the way to happiness, always !
Youth is good, but no match for real experience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing can beat the experience ! Experience doesn't mean ageing .......... experience can be gained by putting oneself through the best learning process of life !!!
We ,often, find certain things done the most difficult thing.......... it is an art and this can be done only by being completely positive ! Force and coercion will not help !!!
Love doesn't have any age............. any one, at any age can fall in love....... love the other !!!!! That is why ,'love' , is the most beautiful emotion...... love !!!
''Freedom'' is the most valued need for any human being......... often , that is what is being denied to many !!!! That too , often, it is gender related ........ need to treat all equal to make every one feel free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The intentions that we live with make the whole difference to our lives !!!!!!!!!!!! Good intentions take us to places, the right places at the right time !!!!!!!!!!!!
We, at times feel sad/low for no obvious reasons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We may not even know why . Our mechanism is such that we need to do some thing satisfying always........... if not, we will feel low.........feed self with satisfying things !!!!
Ambitions are good................ but , there is a line, beyond which things may become difficult ! Ambitions are motivations . But, over ambitions may lead to low feelings and down fall........
Self update is the most important and necessary thing , one should do in life . If we do not update, we will lag behind .............. difficult to catch up later ......... world moves fast , very fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father , mother, children, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend................... god, all relations need a friendship as an add on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to feel being a good friend to some one .......... doesn't matter , wherever one is !!!!!!
Friendship is something to cherish and not expecting some thing in return ! Good friend is one of the best assets , one can have................. is there any one ?
We have this unbelievable capacity to adjust with any one and any circumstances ! We find it difficult, only when we bring our doubting mind in to the picture as to whether we can or not !!!! Adjustment ability helps us to break the cultural barriers !!!!
Person with high self esteem will never get distracted by negative things.......... He/She will be on the mission in life ..... mission is very necessity of human life !!!!
Human life should not go waste ............ must be useful to co-citizens and the future generations ! Living selfish way is not life at all.......... well, need to take care of self and family..........and follow the rest . When we have this vision, we will be able to find resources to do all that !!!
Questioning about any thing , in a relationship, is a big put off !! Positive discussions are better and discussions should replace questions !! Questioning touches the ego ..................do not touch it !
When people are positive, the help and happiness come from unexpected quarters ............. that is the power of positive mind ! Positive attitude make our subconscious mind powerful and it attracts the best of things !
One of the biggest problems in to day's world is, people do not know 'how to listen'...........don't have the patience for this ! They presume and judge more than half of what others say and , obviously the result will be unexpected !!! Busy world !
Educating is known as a 'noble job'. But, today , it has become a very necessity for all of us to do that........... When we look at the problems we face around the world, they are all due to ignorance and closed mindset !!! Universities give degrees, not enough education in the real sense ............. let all the human being make pools of wisdom, all have it !!!
We all have the power to achieve many things, which actually, we think are beyond our control !! Many such things are because, we have limited our thoughts .......limitations happen, when we do not cultivate good things in the garden of our minds ............ this is because, we have not created good climate inside ! We all the power to do so , if we have good vision ................
Common goal/vision is a must for happy family ! When partners/family members have no idea as to what they stand for , things take different directions.....ending up no where ! Commonness help to travel together in the journey of life !!!
People mistake rigidity for determination ! Determination is when, one knows about the subject in consideration............rigidity is just without much of it and it leads to disappointments . Flexibility is an essential quality for any one.........not dancing mind !!!!!!!!!!!!
Living for some , useful and good social cause is interesting !!! Just a step away from selfishness !!! It is a healthy juice ! But, after doing the same for own family.....or else not satisfying...... charity begins at home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get some professional to create a site and start blog , so simple ! Blog is one's own thoughts .... result of some continuing research, if the topic is to be of any help to others.......... there are, who just write about them and their surroundings, don't think there is much use in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vision is the fuel, driving force, pleasure , happiness and every thing of LIFE !!! Vision is for any one, not only for great people ! Greats are greats , because they had visions !!!!
What we can commonly observe is, in this communication world , people do not communicate enough !!! In any situation, happy or sad, flow of communication is a must ! Without proper flow of communication, nothing can be expected to be right ! When things go wrong , people blame it on others and situations and cry about it as if nothing was wrong from their side !!!!
Playing games is fun..........not for long ! Won't help to get in to real thing............. too much of it leads to frustration and the end result is loss of opportunity ! Better approach is to be natural !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!