Negative people never forget their moments of loss of face .... those moments will come back to them often and disturb their peace !! In the process, they will try to get even with others on every occasion !!!
People with inferiority complex are never satisfied ! They feel that they are not recognized by others !!! Hence, they are always on the run to prove some thing or the other to others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many have this habit of highlighting the negatives of others, whenever they get an opportunity..............this becomes a bad pattern and behavior............imagine this happens in a relationship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are appropriate answers for all questions and doubts , we have............ we confront with such questions daily . Answers/solutions are there, but we do not seek seriously !!!
Differences in people , some times irritating, but are the spice of life ...................... we may not enjoy too much of spice, but a bit is good !!!
No two human beings have the same talents and capabilities.......people have interests and talents in different fields and thus , any two are different and unequal !!! This unequal situation is called equality.... every one has some talents, which other doesn't have ......thus , comparison to find out superiority is not possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling equal and giving love are in direct proportion to each other ............... Those who feel, that they are treated on equal footing, would be generous and confident in giving love !!!
People follow some thing called culture , without using their own thinking faculty !!! In some culture, discrimination begins with the birth of people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. now, what ? Following such cultural values...........values, ha.... isn't it a joke !!!
Education is the prevention and cure for all unwanted ailments! Self education only will help us to take ourselves at higher levels to break the barriers and live in equality !!!
New, fresh and positive thought a day keeps our worries away !!!
When we are able to keep our worries away, we are in a position to keep ourselves away from doctors.......the root cause of almost all illness is stress !!!!
The concept of equality must begin at home ......... then neighborhood ,then community, society, nation and the whole world............ it cannot begin some where and end some where... this has to be an organised/continous process !!!
A positive mind has it's unbelievable ways to take us to the right places........... people may call it telepathy or intuition or some thing else............ in fact this power is beyond all that !!!
From what we read, see or hear , we may be picking up the wrong side of the subject !!! Negative people see , only the negative side .... coin has two sides !!!
Human beings are people oriented by nature but, unfortunately in a negative way !!! This negative disposition is what we need to convert in to positive way !!!
People have innumerable ideas and thoughts........... but, they keep on jumping from one to another !!! The changing ideas, is a process by which they avoid acting upon things........... end result is , no change from original position !!!,
Immaturity is the one major road block to progress ...... it costs us big way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Success depends on our maturity level, at which we approach our lives !!
This is some thing , that is not ever taught in schools and that is a major concern, especially when children are exposed to all and sundry at immature age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At highest level, one will be able to live his life , leaving the body away from the mind !!! Working from outside of one's own image , is wonderful !!!
People , low on confidence, are always searching for the negative sides of others !!! Such people want to pin point the weaknesses of others and highlight them ....... this way, they feel themselves to be better than others !!!!!!!!!!!!!
All that good things we see are the creations by all and not by any one particular person!!!!! Humanity is a team work and hence , we should know how to be a team man , rather than a boaster !!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a team that wins a game and not an individual !!!! Non-confident person may think, that the one who scores goal wins a game, and do not give importance to the role of others, who facilitate the goal scoring opportunity !!!