Certain biological changes lead to the feeling of being inadequate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This feeling leads to all negative emotions against the most beloved ones !!! This is a tricky situation, where, one wants others to fail ..... thus will try to portray others as stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ego is the hindering factor .......................... it is the one thing that prevents us from making progress........... progress is mistaken as change and ego wouldn't allow it !!!
Equality is a state of mind , which is to be achieved by training the mind..............no one else can make all equal..............all that we want has to be achieved in mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only we think outside us and beyond selfish needs, we can have peace and prosperity......... in family, society , nation and the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At times , it seems that , listening is a problem more with a particular gender !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great people sell great dreams and they remain in history as greats................. their dreams too remain as dreams for ever!!!! Smart people do not sell dreams, they realize the dreams in their life time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's exploitation all the way !!! Strong exploits the weak any where and every where !!! Be strong or get ready to get exploited by others !!!!!!!!!! High self esteem......................... the way away from such dirt !!
Two opposite things can't go together, harmoniously !!! When we keep negativity , we are keeping two opposite things....negative feelings and positive feelings ..... many positives are born with !!! Unless and until we remove our negativity completely, we are tampering with own self !!.............. confusions all the way !!!!
Many are living with totally two different personalities !!! These people are experts in hiding the real feelings !!! But, in the long run, they will find a vacuum for all insincere living like this !!!!
Many get a kick , when they complicate their lives !!!! No wonder, the lives, instead of keeping simple, are complicated !!!!!..... some thing to complain about always and to have pleasure !!!
Every human being should know a bit of psychology, to be happy !!! It's always the simplest things that matter but, many do not get impressed by simple things !! People like complications in life .....the more complicated , the more valuable, that is the way things are for many !!!!!!!
The sad reality is that, no one can teach his own people.......... own peoples' ego is a road block to progress !!! It's like , a doctor can't operate on himself !!!!!!!!!!
Ineffective communication leads to frustration !!!!!!!!!! When we face difficulty in communicating appropriately, we become frustrated...... may turn to silence !! that too is a sort of frustration !! Frustrations lead to depression !!!!
Communication is the biggest problem, we face today !!! Do not think that people are able to get across to others in real sense ! Proper communication in families can add to the peace, happiness and that can even extend the life span !!! People die earlier, due to feeling low /depressed ........ caused by negative feelings, caused by wrong communications !!!!
If we can horn our interest in any field, with positive energy, we can make any thing happen !!! Smooth interest and 100% positiveness are the requisites !!!
Life is all about sales..........selling oneself...........this means , we need to be the product, what others want to hire !!! So, try to be the best product available to others ....... educate self, invest in self !!!!
Majority do the same thing over and over again .......... very small percentage of people try reading some thing to improve their mind, the human mind is a resource that cannot be wasted !!!
Many are experts in projecting the sweetest side to outside world ! These people dupe others .... and that is where they find pleasure !! The real one is unknown to outside world....the cruel side !!!
A very clear mind with positive energy take us to success....... this feeling of breakthrough happens , at highest level of mind.....any one can get it, with practice !!!
Majority don't bother to go into the universe .........they restrict their lives to their homes and neighbor hoods !! These restricted living causes the ignorance and that leads to frictions and tensions !!!!!!!!!!!!!
All negatives and evils are due to ignorance.........nobody is bad as such...........all the negatives are the products of ignorance ! Hence, it makes sense to forgive those , for all their negative deeds !!! Reactions create a chain of further negatives , hence the best option is to forgive, to give a chance for positives !!!
People are unwilling to new suggestions , they live in comfort zones !!! It would sound almost like, they are allergic to new ways !!! Such people do not have the patience to even listen to any new !!
All relationships lead to 'benefit oriented', what do we get from this sort !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder, we have more separations than coming together !!!!
High self esteem is the only way to unselfishness !!!
Unfortunate that, no schools are teaching the realities of human lives !!!
Earning, eating, drinking and gossiping are not all that a human being can do in his/her life time...............................more can be done for the generations to come !!!
It's very, very rare to find the innocence , now a days , to claim to be in true love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without owning an innocent mindset, no one can love the other completely and in complete unison !! This leads to the fear, that people are using others for their own varied reasons !!!
They are all in the mind and not a reality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many poke their nose, in to every matter, the matters , which are not familiar with too !!!! These people think, that it is compulsory to have opinions of their own, in all matters..........height of stupidity, and this stupidity leads to unnecessary problems !!!!
Many ' tries ' are stepping stones to success............ Heard people saying, 'many failures are stepping stones to success.'.... If so, then many sins may be stepping stones to heaven !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If we want to be happy, we need to master the art of communication............. the first step one should learn is,''how to give positive response to the speaker'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
Human beings are no better communicators than animals ! Nobody knows the art of communication......we are good in, creating all sorts of problems and confusions while communicating !!!!!
Often, many have already decided the direction of their conversation with others and, want others to follow the line ..... or else , they close the conversation ... woh, what a way to converse with others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even before a conversation is started, the one who initiated,might have made up the mind, and thus, won't let the other to open his/her mouth...... communication is dead even before it is started !!!!!!!!!!!!!
People , who just talk and withdraw are difficult to be communicated ...... these people talk their stupid mind out and shut themselves, not allowing others to respond !!!!!
For, things to happen nice way, one has to develop a habit of positive thinking........... a real habit !!! Thinking in bits and pieces, positively won't work !!!
When we are able to take our body and mind to a standstill, and to direct them by the necessary energy , whenever we want, wherever necessary, we achieve the real control...........this ability will help us to be free of all illness and unhappy situations !!!
People , low on confidence run around to find some thing to talk and criticize about others...............this way they find satisfaction, much to the irritation of others !!!!!!!!!!!!
It's very difficult for people to receive help with respect .......... this causes internal conflict and damages self respect and leads to letting the helper down !!!!
''Even Einstein might have used only 3% of his brain'', that's what people say ! Imagine, some one could use more of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's possible..........need to wait , that's going to happen !!!!!!!!!!!
We are living in a world, where every one fakes about every thing................main reason for not finding happiness !!! If only we come down to the real world !!!!!!!!!!!!
Not being equal is a convenient situation ....... convenient to dominate and exploit others .................... so too, playing victim and living with excuses for ever !!!!!!!!!!!!
People with inferiority complex are always in competition with some imagined contestants !!! They feel that the entire world is leaving them behind !!!
Channelizing positive energy to the line of direction is necessary for achieving our vision...........can't have any glance to negativity in the side !!!!