Saturday, 23 July 2016

BRILLIANT BRAINS RUINED BY.....................

It's a pathetic situation happening to the young generation widely in many parts of many countries:unbelievably very sub-standard education is provided to them-young brilliant minds are not guided as to how to put their intelligence in to use;they are not even informed of their potential !!

A few privileged and lucky get to go to places. 

 If only the most valuable resource on earth-human resource-is used appropriately, countries can progress and achieve the  happiness quotient at the highest's time to wake up, better late than never !

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

THE BEAUTY OF LIFE .............

Human beings face difficulties: these are only perceptions;change perception - change life, it's that simple and quick, that is the beauty of life !

Scared of changing perceptions?, oh yes: perception change, for that matter any change, is scary: it changes not just one thing,but the whole world around us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who want to take such a huge risk?, only the ones who are in full control of their thinking faculty ! just may be 3% of the whole population-the only successful people who find the beauty
of life .

Sunday, 17 July 2016


Talents are developed over the years with hard and sincere work with lots of passion. Talents so developed are forever and that cannot be taken away or suppressed, especially by morons, who think themselves the know-all. 

When confronted, the talented will turn the the tables on those who try to dominate them-that could be suicidal for the precipetators.

Handle with care : the best to keep the talented sporty !

Saturday, 16 July 2016


No two individuals look the same, behave the same way or want to do  same things ,  same ways and do not have  same interests in any particular matter . This is quite normal ; every one understands it , and do not have any qualms about it.

People are worried or annoyed only when they are discriminated in any walks/aspects of life. Acknowledging their very existence without any bias is more than good enough to sooth their annoyance .

Hence efforts from all quarters should be co-ordinated to eradicate the biases of any kind directed towards any gender, sect or groups.....happy living !

Friday, 15 July 2016


We, the human beings, are gifted with the 'thinking faculty';this, and only this separates us from other beings !

Yet, we do not use all parts and options available to us- we enjoy using the easy route(effortless one)- the assumption route.

No wonder , we end up in all sorts of mess ourselves and create chaos around all people including the caring ones. After creating such nuisance , we go into our safety shell and shut our
ears for others.

This unwillingness to further opening up causes many wounds for ever : major cause for all unhappiness within and around; therefore, stop assuming when we have better option-'think' using 'reasons'.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016


It is very difficult to understand why people,especially a particular group, are addicted to shopping.

Shopping is a way of life for such people;it fetches a lot of pleasure,though materially nothing much is acquired !

Not how much is shopped that matters here-what matters is the process and time spend on it.

Perhaps, it is whiling away the boring hours which is a motivation to do so !

So also, the process involved brings a sense of satisfaction: a sort of winning - thus a virtual escapism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 10 July 2016

LET'S MOVE ON....................

Getting stuck in life is fun for negative people:something they get pleasure from; they often look for such situations or create them.

Positive people too may be dragged into such situations-a bit awareness about that will help to press escape button; well, need to push on the positive pedal thereafter.

Moving on, at times , is difficult due to weariness . A good introspection is all that is necessary for recovering.

Moving on in life is the most satisfying and pleasing experience any one can have, without which life will become motionless-like leading a vegetable life .

Therefore, let's all move on and on and on............

Saturday, 9 July 2016

'' MEDIOCRITY '',THE PROBLEM OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every body wants easy way out in all aspects of life; no body has the patience or perhaps the willingness to go deep into any aspects seriously !
Mediocre people go deep into the  subject of survival for themselves and that they master very well; they , thus prevent the progress taking place.

Sweet talk is a sharp weapon ( beware of sweet takers ! ) they use  'sweet talk' to win the confidence and trust of others who matter to them for their survival - such people would rather play any dangerous game rather than letting good things happen.

'' Survival'', that too at the highest level is in the air : those who are not aware of this are bound to be doomed .

Logic rather than emotion may help in this highly competitive world !

Thursday, 7 July 2016


What comes so easy to a handful of people in the whole world - may be that assumption too is wrong - is impossible for the rest : Self Acceptance !

It is quite evident : every one is frightened to accept himself/herself ; for this impose a heavy burden on them.....the burden of being independent and individualistic.

Practically every one is apprehensive about the consequences of welcoming personal achievements, successes and happiness !!!!

Moreover , people with vested interests won't allow others to 
be '' individualistic ''  -  because such people fear that they would lose control over others ; that's where they play the 'cultural card ' to deter them .

Should we lead such a passive life controlled by others, or  begin to accept self and lead a happy life is the question of the day !

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Happiness is ' the ' thing that is being sought after by every human being without any exception -day after day, night after night. It is never found as much as one would like to..

It frequently visits and vanishes ; makes one wonder what really is the route to the  ever lasting bliss .

This happens due to one's inability to define ' happiness ' !!! Although every one experiences it through feelings , even when not sought after,   the very definition escapes our faculty .
Some thing worth pondering over - damn sure it is within everybody's reach if only we use the grey matter that every one has between the two ears !

Monday, 4 July 2016

TAKING SELF ' BEYOND '.................

Although we have the capacity to take ourselves to any level -mentally, we are attached to the pleasure of being where we are - lazy state provides  pleasure enough for our  ordinary state of mind-  good enough reason to feel content and satisfied.

Is that all we  the higher being should look for and live for? ; sad leaving this universe in such manner if it is allowed to happen so .

Should we thrive to go beyond, or not is a matter of choice that is to be taken by every one from an appropriate state of mind !

Sunday, 3 July 2016

OBSTINACY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obstinacy is a protection cover - it protects one from changes !
Change is uncomfortable for almost all ; comfort zone is the most precious place one cherish the most.

Blocking and resisting changes are the functions performed by stubbornness . Effective unlearning process along with new learning only can bring necessary transformations .

Even after making positive changes, people do not want to acknowledge it for fear of the unknown !

People will try hard to retain the known style which made them feel comfortable for long ; however, a well installed new learning process will automatically take care if it is done effectively. Therefore, it is worth investing in new learning process .

Saturday, 2 July 2016


Parenting problems cause all problems:parenting more often is reactionary or precautionary, at times proactive !

Reactionary since nobody gives himself/herself the time to learn what parenting is all about, thus leaving things to the mercy of reactions:reactions do not solve problems or prevent them. They may help to suppress the issues which will erupt later with all might-very visible every where !

Reactionary method suppress problems where as precausionary method creates suspicions and utter confusions in children's mind : destroys self esteem.

Proactive methods create restrictions which force the children to go into their shell only.

It takes lots of time and effort to learn good parenting;however, it is not impossible.Therefore, allow some quality time to self.

Friday, 1 July 2016

CONFIDENCE ?,NO, THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Confidence , oh yes, every body wants to have....yet it is not welcome: it has an unpleasant attachment -responsibility !

Responsibility is a huge put off for all human beings- it's an unbearable burden that kills the spirit of life ! Living with this baggage gives a feeling of heaviness which makes oneself immovable holistically - a better option is : just keep an unreachable distance from it !

Is worth considering so? Well, it's matter of perception and choice - a choice that makes the life sweet or bitter!

It may sound hard initially; however, it's worthless leading an irresponsible life. Therefore, let's welcome the big word 'Confidence' and keep it within us that makes our life worthy !