Friday 20 April 2012

Typical communication !!

My friend attends all communication seminars. He tries to use  the  t e h n i c s .
He doesn"t try to understand the subject as such and absorb to live with it.

Once , he missed his last bus to his home town and was stranded at a rail station. At midnight, he knocked someone"s door............ a man came out and asked, ' who are you, and what you want at this time ?'

Friend, " Uncle, I missed my bus, would you mind if I spend tonight here ?''

The man, " no, it"s not possible because there is a grown up girl here."

So he went tto the next house and knocked the door.

A man came out and asked, "what do you want ?'

Friend, remembering the technique of modification of communicating ways ,.......asked,"Uncle do you have any grown up girl in your house?"

The man was a bit taken back and asked, " but, why?"

Friend , " I just thought of spending tonight here "   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  imagine , what might have happened !

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