Monday, 30 April 2012


Every one feels that he/she has a right for any thing. Fair enough.
Every one should feel that he/she has a responsibility too. It should be collective responsibility.
When it comes to responsibility , every one tries to pass it on to others.


We have forgotten the importance of ' collective happiness '. Happiness of all parties involved is the key to have a perfect world. The principle of collective happiness is applicable to couple, family or society.
Negative people look for their own happiness and will do any thing for achieving this..... selfishness.!


Good corporates have a regular briefing sytem.This is specially done in hospitality industry.
To form good habits every one needs the regular systems in place.
Otherwise things won't work up to the expectations.

Irregular training programmes do not help much.The same is applicable to any individual. For development, one has to be regular.


The tool for every positive and creative thing  is self esteem.

One has to work on this aspect regularly.  This will help to produce good results in life. It makes life easy .


We have the ability to programme and reprogramme.
Many sports people use this technique to enhance their performance.
Positive programming works wonders !. 

And actors too !!!.


Every thing comes to the mind first. Then , after a quick processing, the action takes place.
If we give some quality time for processing of things , we may be able to do things in a better way.


We can have atleast two types of experiences :-
1. Experience things in the mind- perception experience.
     We may bring different perceptions in the mind and experience the same.

2.Physical or the real experience.

Both have their own importance in life.


Surprised ?, there are lots of people who don't want to improve their life. For them , the improvements add a lot of burden.
They find it easy to stay where they are.
If all the people in the world had to think that way , the world would not have been like what we see today.


All our actions and talks are preceded by a programming in our mind. Actions follow the programme. So, we need to pay attention to what is being programmed in our mind.
Needs a lot of patient practise.


Mind  and body works in tandem.  When we are in good health, our mind too work efficiently. The other way, when we have a positive mind, our stress is less and we will have better immunity.... good health.

Sunday, 29 April 2012


Every one expects respect from other  person. It is a basic requisite in any relationship. No one can be taken for granted in any sort of relationship.
The world over, people feel that they are not respected enough. We don't have to try to command respect. But, when we give , we may get the same back .


We need to own up responsibility for our life. We should know how to appreciate self for all good things done by us. So too we should gracefully and positively accept our mistakes and move on. 
It's natural for any to commit mistakes. But, we should know how to get up and move on to be better.We should create positive energy within us.


If we want to change our life, first thing that we have to do, is to change our mindset.

Negative people don't want to change their mindset because, changed mindset will not help them to blame others for their own mistakes.
They want to live with excuses for ever !!!!


In today's fast world , every one is forced to mature the quickest possible. We are forced to carry 'all-age mind and feelings', all through our life,if we have to enjoy the life to the fullest.
We can't afford to commit many mistakes..... sometimes, small mistakes turn out to be very costly.


It's sad that we have only one life. Hence, we can't afford to have many trials and errors.
So, it would be better to learn on continuously from whatever sources.
We can't afford yo wait and learn only from our mistakes.......... we can learn from others'mistakes too ,which may help to save our time.


Thanks for the comment!. Appreciated and as you said about 'hope', your comments give me the hope that the blog will continue very constructively. It gives me the hope that these are very useful topics,which may be helpful to many.


Our perceptions play big role in our life. Positive perceptions give us the hope and clarity of mind.
Our mind should be clear of clouds. We need to see things from all angles without prejudices and bias to have good perceptions.We should take others into confidence too to have a wider view of things.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS !!! Thanks for comment !

We have feelings and emotions. They are good to have. But, with practice we can remove negative emotions and negative feelings.

Say , from experience and with confidence. Hope, this blog will help you to do the same.

First step , is to find balance in our mind. Life is all about balancing .

Saturday, 28 April 2012


Thank you for the comment, '' It's not easy as we are slaves to our thought.''
Nothing comes as easy as we want, but then, there lye in the beauty of life!. 
Results,even the process of try,is the fruit of our life.
Many, many things are possible, which we may think are impossible........  keep trying with positive mind .


Nobody is free from this feeling ! Being jealous is natural. But , it is very disturbing and destructive too.
High self esteem help us to free from this negative environment..

We must conquer this monster in us, if we have to be constructive and happy.


Free trade and free movement of resources are the most important prerequisite for economic development. We can see it , if we observe the countries all over the world.
The same is true for personal development.... free mind and not the frozen(constricted)mind which is essential .


With practice , we can attach and detach our mind according to our needs !!!!!!!!!!!.  It's great fun and very, very productive.

Friday, 27 April 2012


People some times ask the people who beg, '' why don't you work, I can give you job ''
We think, these people are lazy and it is easy money, begging.

Unfortunately , it is the mindset, which these poor people are living with, is the real culprit for the mess in their lives.
Mindset is what has to be changed first.


We all have a prejudiced mind. Prejudiced against culture,colour, gender, age etc.
Prejudiced mind is like a corrupt mind. One need to clear the clouds in the mind to see the things as it should be.


Many people go into revenge mode, whenever things go against them.This is due to lack of self esteem and big ego.But , this is not at all an option to think about because , it ruins oneself.

UNDESERVING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many people feel, they are undeserving of good things in life including love of other people !!!.

Need a major correction in the mindset, to feel happy in life.


There are people whose motivation is very weird.

'' I don't want to do this , because , this will make my people happy. I don't want to do any thing that will make them happy ''.

This attitude, surely is a cover up for ones own insecurity ! 
The only loser in this game is the one who plays it foolish.

ESCAPISM !!!!!!!!!!

Escapism is the biggest enemy of human life.
''40 year old, well educated, with every resources available to him does not want to work at all. His escape route is '' my dad sold his business, otherwise I could have been working there as managing director.'' 
'' 50 year old, again in the same situation, asks,''what have my mother did to me?''...She just has complaints only about her mother who is in 80s !


There is huge connection between true love and self esteem.
 High self esteem help us to remove our mental blocks.
Mental blocks may exist even between a parent and a child. This happens when a person continuously remain in negative mode.
When we feel this , we must bring our awareness to this fact and try to turn around to remove the mental block first.
 Any relationship, to flourish, this awareness is important.  

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Many are in search of themselves, they ask , ''who am I?.''
This is an escapism.This search never ends, leads to nothing.
They also know it. But, then why?.Because, this way , they dodge working in life.They can continue on the journey for ever.

Better question may be, '' how am I doing in my life, how am I using my thinking power, how am I trying to improve myself, how am I contributing to self,family and the society?''

IS HE/ IS SHE , THE RIGHT ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Heart and head are to be in full coordination for taking precise decisions.


People with high self esteem find it easy to make decisions.......... they may not be right always , but they are decisive and are willing to change their decisions , if necessary .

TRUE FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can be true friends even when we do not agree with each other on each point, exactly like our head and heart .They do not agree with each other often, but still they are very important parts of our body and system... we can't discard or ignore any one.!!!!!!!!!


Heart and Head are very good friends. But, often they do not agree with each other!!!!!!!!!.
This is the reason for great confusions we have in our life.We are very undecided on many occasions because these two are in disagreement!.


We ,often live with certain labels. The labels may be given by others. Or we attach certain labels , ourselves.
Living by labels take away the logics. Certain positive labels help us to lead a life of integrity. But , many negative labels may confuse the people and they may lead a blind life . These people forget to open up their thinking faculty, which is the most important thing in life .


Teachers play an important role in a student's life. Techers with low self esteem are real problems. There are techers, who put the students down to cover up their insecurities. Here is where the parents should step in and explain to their children.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Many of us live by certain wrong notions , for wrong reasons ! There are people, who want to be known as rebel. They feel , this label will give them a sort of respect/attention. Just to hide their inner feelings of insecurity , they behave like this. !!!!


We, by nature, prefer to be in comfort zones. We feel happy in that situation. But , we can be happier by finding new avenues in life. We must be willing to search for it.This doesn't mean that we have to try some thing for the sake of doing things different.We can always try to explore things and change , if things are better and workable.


Many people complain, '' life is boring ! ''
When we don't have anything to do  we feel so, unless we need to rest that particular time. It's natural.
Therefore we need to create some new ideas, may not be big ones.We can change our state of mind if we sincerely wish to.
Small, creative thinking is fun and may lead to some fruitful events !


We need to have some thing to look up to. We need to have some goals in life, not necessarily big ones.

The goals may change, as the time and circumstances change. It is quite normal.

But, not having goal means, not having things to look forward to........... hopeless life !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Welcome, suggestions and comments !!!

Do welcome , your suggetions, comments and interactions !!!

NAGGING, GOOD !!! ?????

Is nagging good ?
Good to make some one active !!!  Some people say so .

May be, in certain aspects.    But , imagine , if some one keeps nagging over every thing !

Then the person will become over-active and will have to live without sleep !!


We are lazy in general, we do not maintain whatever we want to improve.
We lead our life by our moods !!!

Must develop some good habits , which have to be maintained through out , if we have to achieve some thing.

We need to maintain standards by going through the same processes regularly and daily to strengthen our habits !!!


Over the time , we have become poor listeners !!!!!!!

We don't give importance to others, we don't listen, though we may hear .

The huge difference between listening and hearing is not known to many people!!!


We don't see/observe things clearly. We don't have the time ! This takes away opportunities to understand things properly.

A second review of things help us to know , how much we are missing out on things because of our fast life !!!


Though internal talk/self talk has it's own advantage , we need to control and monitor it. Bringing self talk to a ' still ' is very difficult . If we have to improve our senses, we need to balance the self talk with use of senses !!


We are gifted to think. We think in words, generally...... by internal talk.
We the human beings lost  touch with our senses because of this !!!
If we get in touch with our senses , we would be able to do many more things, much more efficiently !  We need to improve on the ability of what our senses can do !!!

Monday, 23 April 2012


Negative self talk has a bad effect on our lives.
Self talk adds colour, taste etc. to the subject.
But, if we add negative colour and negative taste ,the subject becomes bad.
Therefore , we need to have a control over what colour we are adding to our thinking process.
Negativity may become habit , and will take away our efficiency !


We have the ability to have our internal/self talk.This is very useful, if we use it appropriately. This ability helps us to analyse things,this ability we call it the power of thinking.But, we need to channelise the thought process in all positive way.


It's difficult to forget whatever we learnt in the child hood, before we started using our conscious mind very well.
This gives an idea that, whatever we picked up subconsciously remains for ever.
Therefore, there is a need for us to keep our mental ambiance clean and positive.

We have a responsibility to provide the babies in the womb and the new Born's a happy, positive world !!!!!!!


Somebody told me to-day, " please continue daily blogs, I would ask my H.R people to read it."
It was very inspiring !!!!!!!!!


We need inspiration. The source of inspiration is positive people. So , it is advisable to spend quality time with positive people.

Negative vibes, kills the inspirations.......... keep positives going in life always !!!

SHARING IS A JOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharing things brings unbelievable joy ! So too, the sharing , leads to some discussions of healthy nature !
Healthy discussions are good food for brain.

Many have passed on this blog link to many.They feel happy when people get back to them, and share their views !!

So passing on the link is helpful to many, for sure !

SELF MOTIVATION, NO TIME FOR READING ?, READ BLOGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope, these blogs will help some way to motivate self.This sort of blogs doesn't take too much of time.... and available, readable any time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forming a positive habit is the first step to achieving any thing .!!


Motivation comes from seeing, hearing or reading something . Today many people complain that they don't have time to read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Self motivation is a must because motivation is the driving force of life. Life becomes passive,in the absence of driving force. We just live to eat,drink and sleep......... this is not living, but passing time. Life is not about passing time, but to create and contribute something, which in turn brings satisfaction and joy !!!

Sunday, 22 April 2012


A pause, short time, for self is necessary before learning something new , to make sure that no garbage is going into our computer (MIND) !

We do a lot of things in a hurry,which is the cause for all future confusions !


After unlearning, we have a responsibility to create a new path,which must be all-positive by nature.

This would be like , we are creating a new self, who will know how to lead a positive life !!


Since, we might have learned through our subconscious mind some thing inappropriately, we need to check them and unlearn, inorder to improve ourselves.!


The way we behave has a direct connection with how our subconscious mind process what we see, hear and feel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence , we have a responsibility to be patient with ourselves before we proceed with what we are going to say, act.

We need to give time to ourselves to analyse everything in an appropriate way.So too, we must be prepared to be FLEXIBLE !

By bringing the quality of flexibility we stand a chance to correct our wrong assumptions !!!


Every one crave for self ATTENTION !  To attract others attention, we play up to the gallery, thus losing our naturality.
When we sacrifice our naturality , we lose the trust of others.This leads to chain reactions.

Attention seekers will go to any cheap extent to attain their purpose..


Ego is a big enemy we carry within ourselves all along our life.

This ego does not allow us to accept our mistakes, which is the only way we can clean up ourselves and heal .

Because of ego,we try to find excuses by blaming others for our mistakes. By doing so, we think , we could fool fact we are fooling ourselves in the process !!

GAMES WE PLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every one plays games on every occassion. Instead of trying to put the message straight on, we use the back door and try to manipulate the people and situations.

This create confusions in the people and their response will also be unclear, which lead to utter chaos and in the process every one is unhappy.

Don't play, but live !


This is a fast world , nobody has the time for any thing... therefore it is becoming furious too !!!!!!!!!!!
Patience only will add taste to our life.  If we eat any thing too quickly, we do not get the time to know what are the ingredience in the food and obviously,we miss the taste .

Saturday, 21 April 2012


Instead of complicating the life , it is better to keep it simple..........  possible when we are receptive to the right peoples' input and use our own that we live our own.  Open mind to seek openions is must along with our willingness to think over the same !

self healing !!!

self cleaning is self healing...............  Accept mistakes are mistakes and every one commits mistakes, it is a very common thing reality...... rather than blaming others and finding excuses.

Forgive your ' self ' and feel light in the mind and create a new positive mindset , which is within your control !

See positives in all and use only the positive language, never be harsh on self and on others .  Fresh positive mindset will take care of self !!!

There are no techniques and methods !!!


Our big ego is another enemy within ourselves. Ego distracts us from our focus. Without sincere focus, we are inefficient.

We need to address on this point.

Some may say, a bit ego plays like a 'motivator'.- no way !


Inferiority complex is number one enemy within any one.  If we can get rid off this, we can improve our efficiency, many fold..   So too this will help us to brighten our mind, which in turn will boost our health - happy frame of mind is the secret of good health !!


It's quite natural for us to compare every thing in our life, we compare ourselves with others etc.

Why do we do this ?, does not serve any positive purpose.  Some may say, that it helps to raise our bar/level !  But, why can't we use that much energy on ourselves and take us to any level which is not comparable !

See every one as he/she is , without any measurements !!


Every one is a victim to this , atleast, at some point of time, every one must have felt this !

The awareness as above itself should make us a bit comfortable ! , because , we feel a bit okay with ourselves, when we know , something is a common phenomenon !!! -quite human !

Awareness alone is not enough. We should take simple steps to overcome this.


We all have our own self-doubts.It's part of our system.
Some people have more, some less.

To overcome this, one should focus on what is to be done  and, break the assignment into small segments and visualise it...This will help !

If we focus on the excuses, like , my circumstances were the reasons for my self doubts, it will stay with us forever...

THE PLEASURE SECRET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every action or inaction results in pleasure ! When we do something we get pleasure.

So too, when we don't do anything, we get pleasure.

This means, all our actions or inactions are guided by what pleasure we get.

CHOICE IS OURS !!!!!!!!!!!!


We feel guilty when we hurt others and that may take us into our shell ! , makes us passive .

We also feel guilty when we feel that we have not lived upto expectations. When this happens, we try to cover up our mistakes - this is usually done by attacking others, who are soft targets.... can see a lot of people blaming their beloved ones'...............  met many who live with the same excuses for half a century !!!!!!!!!!!!


To find satisfaction and happiness, one must be independent in the mind.
One has to have an independent mind for improvement in life............. we should be able to listen to others with open mind. Thereafter , one should think for oneself before taking a decision.

We see a lot of people just move by the force of certain waves, surrendering ones' intelligence !!


People concentrate on methods and techniques that can be used on others rather than getting into the subject matter. This is were we all commit mistake, we miss the bus to improve our lives.

It's always the awareness and the knowlege with which we move in our daily life that matters !!

Friday, 20 April 2012


Reading body language is interesting. It gives a lot of cues.  But, how far one can get it right, that's the danger.
Why should one try so much and so hard at it,when all that we can do is to get indulged in verbal communication?
If we are confident enough to express ourselves, we should depend on what we are good at it to avoid confusions !!!!

Education v/s literacy !!!

Perhaps , the best things that I learned from are the people, who never been to school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people knew a lot more about the practical living, with integrity.  They never had a word ' problem ' !!!

This is because , they were really , really enjoying the life as it came. They learned on each occassion and they were proud to share the same.

I do not think , many people with many degree certificate can ever know such things. Ofcourse these certified courses have their own value !

Let's share our knowledge ! It's a great experience .

If all human beings share their experience and knowledge , the world would be a lot better !

Sharing knowledge, not to impress others is one of the pleasurable things one can do !!!!!!!!!!!

Happy with the excellent responses !

Must say that the responses, the number of visits to this site is impressive and feel good.

Thanks to all who visited here...........

Hope to share a lot more beneficial blogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Daily relaxation is a must for efficient functioning of our body and mind.

One easy way to relax, I learned is........

By counting back slowly from any number , depending on the time we have on hand..............

This works wonders.......... especially good for students preparing for exams !

Be Aware of What We Do !!

Met many teenagers who smoke, both girls and boys. When I asked them politely,'' What you get out of smoking, without any exception the answer was,  '' nothing ''

" But why do you smoke?''

The answer , '' don't know ''

More intriguing is that almost all of them want to stop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Health & Language we use !

Our style of living has  a direct effect on our health.

The language we use to communicate too has a direct effect on our health.

When we use positive language, our body feels the calm and that in turn affects the muscle mass, cell and nerves .This definitely will help to improve our immune system.

Negative languages shrink ourselves and will lead to shrinkage in immune system.

Want to be a millionaire, effortlessly ? !!!

The best and easiest way to be a millionaire is ............

             Write a book on EXCUSES  !!!

There won't be any day passing without saying atleast one excuse !!!!

Anyone would like to read a book like that though each and every has his/her own excuses !!

Lazy minds !

We are all lazy to a great extent !!

Laziness is one root cause for blaming others and about the circumstances.......All complaints are originated from lazy mind.

The best example is, ' no one has any time for exercises, even 10 minutes - the same people watch T V for 3 hours a day ! '


Depression is a word commonly misused by many......... I know , many would not agree with this, but.

The harsh and strong languages we  use make a big difference in our lives. When we say , we are depressed , we are inviting trouble for ourselves !

Some times , people use this very casual way..  Some people may be using it as a matter of convenience, so that they don"t have to do anything.

Suggest that we avoid such a strong word in our life......  may say that " I am not feeling that great .", instead.

Typical communication !!

My friend attends all communication seminars. He tries to use  the  t e h n i c s .
He doesn"t try to understand the subject as such and absorb to live with it.

Once , he missed his last bus to his home town and was stranded at a rail station. At midnight, he knocked someone"s door............ a man came out and asked, ' who are you, and what you want at this time ?'

Friend, " Uncle, I missed my bus, would you mind if I spend tonight here ?''

The man, " no, it"s not possible because there is a grown up girl here."

So he went tto the next house and knocked the door.

A man came out and asked, "what do you want ?'

Friend, remembering the technique of modification of communicating ways ,.......asked,"Uncle do you have any grown up girl in your house?"

The man was a bit taken back and asked, " but, why?"

Friend , " I just thought of spending tonight here "   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  imagine , what might have happened !


We all complain about many things, about weather, pastas and so on.............
But, there are many people who do not find any thing in their life to appreciate.
Imagine, you have to travel a long distance with such a friend..............
Still worse, to live with such a person , the whole life time !!!

These people feel a lot insecure in their life and they want to shift the blame on others. But , what they don"t understand is that they are driving the people away from them........... one more point to complain about !!!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

4 Chests v/s 4 Boo = = !!! ( random thing )

"  We are often misled by certain proverbs & quotes of people of no authority ...........

" 4 Chests may get along well and can be thick friends, but may be almost impossible for 4 Boo !!  .... ".

This sort of things brain wash our society and  create prejudices !

Great recession in relationships !!

Economic recession is some thing repairable , may be in the long run. It should be alright , for sure......... may take time.

But , even the very small symptom of recession in a relationship is almost unrepairable............. because , unlike in economic recession, in this recession , the ego of the people are involved !!!!!!!!!

Relationship & open communication !

Even in this suppossedly modern world and in the so-called open societies, people do not open up to the extent to understand each other well.

Met many couple, who admit to the fact that they do not communicate enough.  Though they are aware of the fact, some fear is holding them back !!! ...... imagine , fear in relationship, then what is that relationship.

Knowlege & medium..... google !!!!!

" Realise, daily googling is a healthy exercise ." It nourishes the body and mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all are prone to make judgements.  But, what we do not know is, that no judgement is perfect and true !

This means, our judments mislead us to take drastic decisions.

For a clear cut judgement , one should be in the other person"s situation, which is impossible for our imaginary powers............ means all our judgements are open to mistakes, it"s not worth then to make such judgments,which will play spoilsport in relationship !

RELATIONSHIP & SUPERSTITIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supestitions play havoc with our lives !!!!!!!!!!!    But then, a very good percentage of the people have it !

Imagine the situation wherein one person is completely free of superstition whereas the other person has a lot of it !

Let"s not be skeptical !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skepticism is a major problem , we, the humanbeing have.
Everyone has a skeptical side which leads to disaster sometimes.

That does"nt mean, one has to accept everything. But , one can sit up and try to understand instead of making judgements.

This characteristic in us lead to many problems in any relationship !!!!

Open up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any difference we feel with others is due to lack of understanding............ a bit harshly, ignorance !

The only way to bridge the gap is to have an open mind to absorb things and analyse.

People, instead of opening up and making an effort to understand, make judments. These judgements lead to nothing but, a subject for gossip !!!!!!!!!!!!


May be due to the circumstances in which people live , in some culture, the concept of privacy is unknown................. When people are used to live in joint families, this may happen.

When  people from other cultures travel to the above mentioned countries, they may find it very offensive and embarassing.

Every effort to appreciate the other person becomes annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Concept of privacy in relationship !

Everyone loves freedom more than any thing else. Every one wants to feel himself/herself.
It"s natural that one needs to feel and enjoy that way. The time spend alone, on oneself helps to unwind  and rejuvenate.

When a person misses this , he/she will feel miserable. This may lead to many negativity.

In relationships, many a time people do not understand when one says that he/she be left alone !.  Some time this leads to misunderstandings.

Change the world around you, positively !!!

Negativity is not everlasting. Temporarily,one may think that he/she is getting some benefits by having negative approach.

But, in the long run only positive approach will bring the sustainable result.  Positive mindset brings chain reactions and it will help us to automatically move from one to another good thing.

Negativity brings disaster because the person will have distracted mindset and would never be able to focus on anything constructively.

Every thing has a positive side to it, if only we look for it without self doubt !!!!!!

Life is interesting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life , if  we take in the right way, is very interesting........... there are so much to do and in a way ,one life time is not enough!

Hence the first priority is to maintain a good health, which many neglect. Good physical state creates positive energy in the mind too. Unfortunately many are lazy to allot the least time for this purpose.

World offers so much.  We too can offer so much back to the world and in the process, we meet with success.

So it"s  our approach to the world that makes the difference to our life. 

How to Win............

We all want to win.......... but, how ?

Some people want to win at any cost .  Some people believe, only hard work brings success.  Hard work is a must.

But , sometimes we have to think of  smart work, that is, by setting our mindset in the right direction.

The difference between two people are in the difference between their mindset  and not  intelligence as many believe or are made to believe !

First step is to be aware of what is happening in our mind or how things are happening in the mind. Appropriate adjustments must be made to see the world in a different way.!!!!!!!

self education , nothing like that !!

Self education is the best thing one can do to himself/herself.
It is very essential  to raise our self esteem.Today the facilities are available more than any time in human history. we should take advantage of all that is available to us rathe than ignoring them

Gossips , the need ..............

We all love gossips, gossips gives a lot of pleasure without any effort !

Gossips to certain extend is healthy because it makes us feel good........ feel good factor.

We all derive pleasure by making others sad or talking bad about others.......... This is the attraction to sit and gossip about others !!!!!!!!

How to think ?

It"s a very hard task for many , " to think.'

To think, primarily, one has to keep the mind free from dreams, which is not to the very liking of many............ people want to stay with the dream state.

Many students try to remember things rather than think about the subject matter to analyse and understand the core things because, they think it is easier that way than breaking the head !!!

Temporarily, for exam sake it may work, but not in the long run.......... It"s time to wake up from dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Repressed !!!!

Repressed are unexplainable.

When they see people appreciating life , they become intolerent. They would like to harm if at all possible.

Many people live in a their own restricted world and this generates feelings like that.

We all want to be free, but somehow are brain washed by external forces in such a way that we are scared to break free. But this situation causes repression.

It"s How we see it !

Just a random thing............. based on paper report !!!

Teacher to a 10 year old boy, " ask your parents to see me tomorrow."

Next day:-  Teacher to parents, " This is what your son was drawing in maths class, hope you know  what it is/"

Boy"s father said, "I guess I know.".  Mother," llet me have a look at it and will get back to you tomorrrow".

Next day mother called up the teaher and asked , "what"s wrong with that ?, he knew what I was not sure about myself, isn"t it to be appreciated/"

Teacher, "but I was teaching mathematics and not biology."

Mother " you must be a good maths teacher, because my son used  all proportions and geometry to the perfection, which myself was not aware of."

Teacher, "Let me have another look at it and will get back to you."

                     Teacher never made another call  !!

Everything depends on  how we see the things and what sense we make out of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dreams are better than reality !!!!!

In seminars trainers stress on dreams. Dream, dream, dream and more dreams  !!!

Many stay with the dreams for ever without taking further actions on dreams, because, dreams are better than reality !

To realise the dreams and to be in the world of reality, one has to work... this is difficult for many.

"I am not doing well because my parents forced me to do something which was not my dream ", say,many people.

In essence they don"t like to work !!!!!!!!!   Dreams are better than reality !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


We all are good creators of our own world in our minds" map !!!
 If we add a bit positivity to our creation, we can have a new world in our mind and we will be able to lead a new life of our liking !!!!!!!!!! Sounds very simple !

We all have some angers and frustrations in our system.....  people with low self esteem have lots and lots of this. This make them believe that nothing and no one in the world is fine with them, they resent everything infront of them. They do not find anything that is worth appreciating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attention seeking !!!

We all seek attention all the time.....knowingly or unknowingly, it"s a part of our system !
The people with low self esteem especially are driven by this.  Once they know that a particular pattern on behaviour attracts attention of  others , they fall into that trap and repeatedly behave the same way.

This takes away the natural behaviour which is very essential for success.

Assertive ???

Many think being assertive is essential in this world.

Generations change with passage of time, what doesn"t change is the psychology of self esteem. Hence it is better to concentrate on our self esteem than on any other things.

Imagine, every one in the world is overly assertive !!

Blame it on others !!!

We blame others for all our weaknesses !
There are many women who would not like to marry......... the reason " all men are cheats !.............  no, in fact I like men but, I don"t know, hummmmmm  !"

Inorder to cover up our own insecurity , we may go to any extent to tarnish other people.......... but who is the end loser ?

Men too say, " oh, no, I don"t trust any woman, they are weird. Men say this especially after some break up or after being rejected a few times !!!  Quite a few say in anticipation of being rejected !!!!!!

It"s time to grow up and let not tarnish others for one"s own hidden agenda !

Surrendering minds !

We surrender our minds to certain belief systems, which is automatically formed all along or forced by someone else.
The belief systems distort our capacity to think logically and we become slaves to ourselves.

Our communication becomes biased and are not willing to listen to the other .We stick to our own because the base of it is already biased.  Hence , communicating with others become very hard job.
It is very hard to experience very open communication due to the above reason  !!

Defensive mechanisms !!!

We develop many defensive mechanisms to defend and protect us from imaginary threats from the people , who we do not like.
We develop  dislike towards some people ( including our own parents and family members ) for silly reasons or even without any reasons !

Inorder to extract a particular safe response from those people, we deliberately behave in a peculiar pattern..............the pattern we think is suitable for this purpose.  This peculiar chosen behaviour creates confusions. But then, that is the whole purpose of chosing such a pattern..... is it worth ?

This way , we stop growing up in our life, miss the road to a beautiful life !

Monday, 16 April 2012

LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is beautiful if only we make it simple.
To make it simple, we need to take a few steps, it"s all about readjusting our mindset.

Everything needs some effort, so one must be willing to walk that far to put in the effort.

This is a world of abundance and if we reorganise our mindsets, we will have everything to feel happy about. !!!

Frustrations !!!

We all get frustrated over silly things. Frustration leads to big irritants in life. Accumulated frustrations will have a big impact on our daily life.
These garbages inside us may lead to weak immune system and viceversa.

When we feel frustrated , we should remind us that we are not focussing on the right one. We should withdraw our focus from negatives and should refocus on the positive one. !

Remember the human body and mind has immense potential to achieve anything, if only we channelise our positive energy into the right one!!!!!!!!!!!   More to follow.........................................

Responsibility to evolve !!!

Every generation has a responsibility to evolve in to better being so that evey younger generation gets better life.

But, unfortunately, a very good percentage of younger generations think about their  r i g h t s  only.  They become selfish

to the extend that they blame their senior generations for all that they don"t have and aspired for.  They behave as if they have

no responsibility. They don"t appreciate what they have . They try to play victims to escape from their own mistakes !!!

Self esteem and the Nations !

Self esteem is important for any society, religion, states and even counties.

Great Nations always have high self esteem and they play very important , constructive roles in international affairs.

Corporates with self esteem !

Corporations with high self esteem brings out the best performance  !!

Understanding Others !

It"s very difficult to understand others.  The reason is, we hide our real intentions from others. We project ourselves totally different from what we want to say.

There are two intentions in every conversation,  the  primary and secondary.

Unless we are very confident, we hide our primary intention.  We try to manipulate others by projecting secondary objective.

People with low self esteem live in denial this way  !!!!!  When they realise their mistake , it may be too late !

Easy Ways !!!

There are easy ways in life...........

Learn something the easy way...... We are being taught many things in very complicated way.

A simple change can make a lot of difference............ Say, for eg ;  two simple steps make a c c o u n  t  s  easy and enjoying  !!!

So too in other general fields.............  by making a simple change to the mindset, we can open up the whole world !!

Vivekananda, once said, " , I heard  that there was a way to control our minds,  If it was true, and had known to me , I would have spent 30 years mastering that art, so that I could have read all that I read, in another 3 years............  it took 33 years of reading otherwise""

Negatively, it is easy to live with excuses all the way  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........  choice is ours !

Sunday, 15 April 2012

what's up & where !!!!

Just a few random things.....

"" Hey , wassup ?, how is it going ""

""Hi, I am cool and you ?""

""Hey, what"s new with the guy, how is it happening, is he serious about you ?""

"" Oh, you mean _ what"s with that guy /?, he is too serious and I am   e n j o y i n g       it.""

"" Hey, I am happy for you.  It'"s nice to have someone who is sincere...... you know , it's difficult to find
someone sincere, lucky you !""

"" Oh , no, not at all , I am just enjoying his   ATTENTION,     calls me often, takes me out , and you know..
he is good at talking.  I am not at all interested in him in any other way............ no  chance    for him to be my ..
whatever......... just  time pass and fun till I find the suitable one.....You know, what I mean ""

"" Hey , it's not fair to give him the hope and ditch, you shouldn"t be doing it, it hurts a lot especially when someone is so sincere. ""

"" But , it"s not my fault that he is a kid yet , not to understand the dynamics of today"s relationships, he jumps and leaps too far , that"s his fault......... he should take it slow and shouldn"t be taking it for granted, the guys will learn like this only, from experiences, and hopefully become men."".

""Hey, well , I don"t want to be in this..... good luck, call later "

                 w a s s u p    g u y s , ?    how about some attention  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 April 2012


The process, the try, leaves a lot of experience and knowlege regardless of the results !

Human life is all about using the right experiences, experiences are the best guides for ever.

Took a long time to be here on this site, but it is an incredible experience when I see the traffic to my site...............

Hope to contribute something constructively !!!

Role of self esteem in relationship !

It's very important for both people to grow up as the time goes.

When there is a mis-match in mental growth, the whole relationship breaks down......... very often, both may not even realise the reasons for whatever happens.

The mental compatibilty is based on the level of self esteem ( balance between the two ).

Whenever the balance is disturbed, parties feel something is missing, but even with conscious effort it is difficult to figure out the reason.

Tricky situation !

Debit / Credit , made easy for non-accounting people !!

Two simple steps to understand   debit and credit.....easy way !

This is very helpful for  non-accounting people who needs basic understanding of accounts...........

Met many who struggle to get a basic understanding of double accounts..

Mind and thought control !

When we drive what goes ahead of our vehicle is our eyes, which control our destination.

Our sight, where we look at decides to where the vehicle should go.

Same way, what goes ahead of our words and actions are  "our thoughts ", hence it is highly necessary to  contrl and direct  our thoughts for the right destination  !!!!!!!!

Possible only when we develop the art  through our self esteem !!!!

Peak perfomance and self esteem !!!!!

Performance in any field depends heavily on one:s self esteem. People, less equipped may amazingly out-perform the better ones.

This may be due to their high self esteem.

Lack of self esteem takes away the confidence needed for any level of performance !

Talent and self esteem

If talents have to be converted into results self esteem of that person to be taken care of.

There are many talented people who could not live upto their potential...  The missing link may be self esteem.

Very often equally talented people appear, say, on sports field ,but some fade away soon and dont make it to the league whereas someone less talents may be doing well !.......  Self esteem makes a big differnece.

stress and self esteem .

The cause of stress may be anything.

The stress from social surroundings are because of lack of self esteem.  Anything a person hears or experience affects his self esteem.

High self esteem helps in such circumstances to stay confident and deal with it.

Stresss is one main reason for many irritants and feeling unwell.

Self esteem helps in a big way to avoid the  social stress  !!!

Friday, 13 April 2012

??? !!

"  What is self esteem ",  this is  the quetion from lot many.

It is to be explained and  EXPERIENCED ,  over a period of time  !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ego,Arguments, Debate and Self esteem !

we argue when our self esteem is at the lowest, because our only aim is to prove something to ourselves and to others.

Our aim is only to score points and satisfy our ego.  Thus , we lose out on opportunities to learn from debate/discussion and self improvement .

People with high self esteem, listens more and try to extract more from debates.They focus on subject matter and not on scoring points......... thus helping themselves to be in calm and happy zone  !


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Neworth V/S Self worth

Net worth is very important. Without networth nothing can be bought,  but with networth everything cannot be bought !

Without self worth nothing can be achieved ; with self worth everything is possible  !!!

politicians V/S statesmen....role of self esteem

Almost all national heads have a large make-up, public relations teams.

Wish they add some selfesteem coach in their team.  This may help them to think beyond their boundaries and discuss matters of human importance.

Many countries  claim territorial right to many small islands because of the possible resources available there and the insecurities.

Wish ,they think of using those resources for the mankind as a whole and think of a boundarriless world.

Well, this is possible only when people have moral courage which can be developed by high self esteem.

Hope they change from political leaders to statesmen !!!!!!!!

migraine & self esteem connection !

Low self esteem may cause many illness !  In closed societies women are always followed by some escorts. They are not allowed ro move out own their own. This over-protection causes low self esteem.This, in turn ,lowers the guard against illness --  immunity may drop !
The dress-code  for them in such socities also may affect their self esteem adversely.

The overall overwhelming feeling may cause many illness like migraine !!!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

generation gap and self esteem

This is a very interesting topic in the so called modern age.

The generation gap exists in as much as it used to be, and this creates a lot of heart_burn for parents as well as their childeren.

How do we iron out this ?

High quality communication & self esteem .

The quality of our communication very much depends on our self esteem.

Communication skills are taught by many books and people,but without having high self esteem skills alone are of no use.

There are somany topics which are taboo to talk in our society. Unless we remove that taboo, how can any one open a communication channel ?

Only people with high self esteem escape the taboo !

success machine and self esteem !

Every human body has a success machine. It works like any other machine created by human being, some doesn"t work, some work , and some works better !

Now , how does this difference between machines happen ?.............  Like any other machines, these success machines too need  power and fuel .

The fuel, for our success machine, IS  SELF ESTEEM.    Here again the quality of the fuel matters................  High quality fuel gives better performance !

Therefore , our aim should be to fill our glass ( the container ) with high self esteem .

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Antiageing exercises and self esteem

Feeling of being in good health improves self esteem

And , when those exercises which help looking good and young makes it even better.

Ended up on knowing certain such exercises...........  Quite rewarding !

living with guilty feelings !

One of the biggest tragedy of life is living with a feeling of guilt. This situation is not good , this creates an unrealistic world about self .

So too, this creates a feeling that all people are against us. Difficult to move on from this premise.

Only high self esteem can help to remove this feeling.

In time !

Think , the right time to be taught self esteem is early stages of our life.............. in Schools.  This would have helped many little hearts to be well prepared to withstand the peer pressure.

move on with our life !

We all commit mistakes, fall in life and may have bad days or bad phase in life.
May be a broken relationship, loss of job.

What can help us, getup and move on without getting bruised for ever ,is our self esteem !!!

Ever present !

Our self esteem is always in the play, like we keep breathing. We like it or not , self esteem is affected by all that we do, see , hear and feel !!!

Self esteem is the last thing we take it to our bed and so also , that is the one with which we wake up !

Therefor it is very important in all aspects of everybody 's daily life .

good looks and self esteem !

Realized that good looks and young look add to high self esteem. This is why beauty industry is one of the biggest in the world today.

Tried some physical exercises for removing wrinkles and dark circles. Could find out some exercises definitely works positively, though it is a slow process and takes long time , but sure, they are effective and is long lasting.

Prevention is much easier.

These exercises help delaying ageing process ! 

Monday, 9 April 2012

The Perfect Gift !

Peer_pressure is one of the worst pressures everyone has to go through........... that particular phase of life is very complicated and difficult.

Self esteem is one tool that can help anyone to withstand and face this pressure and sail through easily.

Hence installing self esteem in one''s child is the perfect gift , parents can give to their children !

Who am I ? !!

Met many people who are in search of themselves !!!
They travel all over the world on long holidays, especially to India, to know about themselves.
Many Indians too are in this league.
This, I thought, is an intriguing topic and I thought of it.

My realization is that " we are what we are hiding about ourselves from others ", when self esteem is  very low .

Those with high self esteem know , who they are and what they are living for .

Sunday, 8 April 2012

self esteem.... the ultimate !

"" Those who master '' Self Esteem '' are in a better position to manage their personal life to the utmost satisfaction ""

Impotance of Knowledge !

It took a long time to come on this............... just learning the technicalities of blogging !1

Hope to be a good blogger soon !

Thank you google for making the world a lot better !!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

self esteem

' The quality of our life and happiness depends on our self esteem  "